Author: Amir Pupko

Get a quick start with PySpark and spark-submit

We just released a new open source boilerplate template to help you (any Spark user) run spark-submit commands smoothly – such as inserting dependencies, project source code and more. TLDR: Here is an open source template to help you get started At Soluto, as part of our everyday Data Science work, we create ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) jobs. Our main tool for this is Spark, specifically, PySpark, with spark-submit Spark is used for distributed computing on large scale data sets….

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How we deployed a scikit-learn model with Flask and Docker

In our last post we discussed our customer satisfaction prediction model. We used AzureML studio for our first deployment of this machine learning model, in order to serve real-time predictions. In this post we would like to share how and why we moved from AzureML to a Python deployment using Flask, Docker and Azure App Service. During this time we also tried Azure Function with Python. In addition, we open-sourced a sample Python API with Flask and Docker for machine…

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Predicting customer satisfaction

Measuring your users’ satisfaction with your product is very important ― it guides your product decisions, impacts your new features and teaches you a lot. At Soluto we recently started working on a new platform ― connecting people who need on-demand tech support of any kind to a “supporting user” (we call them “experts”), who can help them resolve any tech issue ―  think Uber for tech support. This platform fulfills two reciprocal user needs: one user uses our app to…

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