Month: September 2017

How to: Easily testing WordPress plugins with Docker

Do you have any experience with WordPress? Until recently, I never tried to develop something in the WordPress ecosystem. A few weeks ago, I found a cool plugin that I wanted to improve. While working on it, I realized how complex it is to write tests for WordPress – and I wanted to share my experience with you. Part of the complexity was running those tests in Docker containers – to make it easy to run them with a real…

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How I learned to stop worrying and love TeamCity mac agents

If you’re an iOS developer, then you’re probably familiar with the difficult task of developing CI pipelines for your app. Most of the dark corners involved in developing CI Pipelines for iOS could be avoided by outsourcing it to SaaS CI/CD solutions such as Travis, Circle or Bitrise. But what happens if you have to build 30 applications? Or more? At Soluto, we’re building a lot of applications, and I do mean A LOT. Having to build more than 30…

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How we deployed a scikit-learn model with Flask and Docker

In our last post we discussed our customer satisfaction prediction model. We used AzureML studio for our first deployment of this machine learning model, in order to serve real-time predictions. In this post we would like to share how and why we moved from AzureML to a Python deployment using Flask, Docker and Azure App Service. During this time we also tried Azure Function with Python. In addition, we open-sourced a sample Python API with Flask and Docker for machine…

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